Hello every one! Happy 2014 and Happy week we find out if this little nugget is a Boy or a Girl...
Everything has been crazy around this with freezing temps, hanging out with friends and family over the holidays, going back to work and now starting my last two classes before I am done with school forever and never deciding to go back again. But I will have a major in accounting, financial management and a minor in managment! Think that is good enough.
Well to the good part of this post.

How far along? 20 WeeksEverything has been crazy around this with freezing temps, hanging out with friends and family over the holidays, going back to work and now starting my last two classes before I am done with school forever and never deciding to go back again. But I will have a major in accounting, financial management and a minor in managment! Think that is good enough.
Well to the good part of this post.
20 weeks: Your baby is about the size of a banana
Your burgeoning baby now measures about 6 1/2 inches from head to bottom or 10 inches from head to heel, and weighs roughly 10 1/2 ounces.Yes I know Horrible outfit..but im going to bed! and It fits...Thanks! |
Total weight gain/loss: I am not sure....2 weeks ago I am still at -2 and the Dr....whom I didn't like...said that I was on track to gain around 20LBS...if I only gain that I will be happy!
Maternity clothes? are leggings considered appropraite atire at all times? Because if they aren't they should be! And none of my clothes are ever clean due to -53 temps and frozen water pipes.
Stretch marks? None, been using that good Belly butter and cream. My stretch marks that I have had since I was 15 are starting to go away though...thats a good sign!
Sleep: Eww...what is this...I am having wakey crazy dreams, not about baby, but reandom things like Dinosors and ghosts and makeing it through a horor house without dieing...yeah...i know that was all in one night
Best moment this week: I found out that my insurance will cover a new,electric breast pump! Whoop! Free Baby!
Miss Anything? Me being nice....I really do feel bad for my Husband!
Movement: none yet, but I know it is coming.
Food cravings: ICECREAM...its all i want all day long!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Gagging less, found out Chew spit(eww anyway) makes it sooooo bad!
Have you started to show yet: More so now...expecially at the end of the day, but I am still at that point where people look at you and say..."is she just gaining weight"
Gender prediction: I think its a girl....but Travis is still hoping for a boy. Friday 8am, can't wait! :)
Labor Signs: None...I haven't even felt the kid!
Belly Button in or out? Inny...never has been an outie, we will see what happens
Wedding rings on or off? On...its still to big! I slides...but wont fall off cuz I have giant nuckles
Happy or Moody most of the time: ok I truley feel bad for Travis. By the time I get home from work. I dont want to do anything...make dinner, talk, nothing...most nights. I am hoping this will get better but I am a moody mess.
Weekly Wisdom: "Life is like a camera, focus on what is important and you will capure it perfectly."
Looking forward to: finding out if this is a baby boy or girl. We did the Drano test last week and it said girl, but we will see!
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